Mystery shopping covid policy

The following guidelines MUST be followed by all shoppers undertaking fieldwork.

They are based on NSW Health and Federal Government guidelines but subject to restrictions imposed in any State or precinct.

We expect all shoppers to follow current government guidelines.

Wellbeing of staff and visitors

  • Do not attend any sites if you have even the slightest symptoms and isolate if you do.
  • Keep social distance of 1.5m.
  • Carry sanitizer and sanitise when entering and exiting a site.
Travel to and from sites
  • Incorporate your mystery shop with other activities where possible e.g. complete the mystery shop in a mall when grocery shopping.
  • Travel by private transport where possible.
  • Follow all instructions for travel on public transport and follow all seating instructions. E.g.”No dot, no spot”.
  • Try travelling outside peak times
  • Maintain physical distancing
  • A government travel travel plan can be found here.

Good hygiene

Everyone – even when well – can help slow the spread of COVID-19. The following guidelines are issued by the Australian Government Department of Health.

This means:

  • wash your hands often with soap and water. This includes before and after eating and after going to the toilet
  • use alcohol-based hand sanitisers when you can’t use soap and water
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • clean and disinfect surfaces you use often such as benchtops, desks and doorknobs
  • clean and disinfect objects you use often such as mobile phones, keys, wallets and work passes
  • use tap and go instead of cash where possible

There is no evidence that alcohol-free hand rubs are effective against viruses like COVID-19. Experts recommend you don’t use them.

When you are sick

If you have cold or flu like symptoms you should seek medical advice and get tested for COVID-19. You should get tested even if your symptoms are mild.

If you have COVID-19 you must isolate and follow the directions of your local Public Health Unit.

Being handed documents

If the assignment asks you to collect brochures, business card or receipt please leave the store, take a photo, dispose of the item and sanitise your hands. Do not touch your face.

Be conservative

Please err on the side of caution.

Wearing of masks is not compulsory unless required by the State government, but we would suggest being conservative and wearing a mask if possible, even if not required.
If you have accepted an assignment and feel it unsafe to continue, please advise us by emailing