
Lady in forest holding circular frame making her seem translucent.

You don’t know me

You don’t know me. One of my relatives sold her house about nine months ago for (at the time) an astonishing $2.5M. But recently, a (mere)

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Operating table with two doctors under Bright lights

Surveys can be life and death

How much choice do consumers really have? Philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris argues that we don’t control our choices. As consumers, we are driven to

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Teslas charging at McDonalds

Why car charging at McDonalds is normal

The Australian Government recently announced new Electric Vehicle (EV) initiatives. Earlier in the week, Evie Networks announced it would install EV charging stations at Hungry

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Photo of bird following crumbs. Photo Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

10 Reasons staff surveys fail

It’s tempting to use surveys to gauge the temperature of the staff. Here are 10 reasons why it’s not a good idea and 12 better ways to do it.

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Graph showing high cleanliness and closing skills and low scores for all other measurements.

Pharmacy Industry – Brand Fingerprints

Brands have a fingerprint, whether the management and board like it or not. Sometimes that fingerprint is not what was strategically intended. Here’s how brands can take back control of the narrative.

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Image of Survey form QR code

Why this survey doesn’t work

Dan Murphy’s is Australia’s biggest liquor chain. You’d think they’d know how to do a survey. I found a pile of these paper slips at

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