What can Lego, Cycling and IKEA teach us about meaning?

Meaning is possible even in the most frivolous (Lego), painful (cycling) and frustratingly mundane jobs (IKEA) and can be lost in the most complex and career building activities. See full post on Steven’s personal blog here or watch the 7 minute video below.

Episode #14 – The one thing more important than profit

The greatest frustration of most leaders is to get your people to go the direction you’ve set. To bring strategy and execution together, the two things overlooked are Purpose and Personality. Sure there’s more to business than that, however, these are the two rarely spoken about missing pieces. Let’s start with Purpose. I know, your […]

Episode #7 How even the shyest person can network and sell through relationship.

Special interview with Kirsty Spraggon. Kirsty has had a massively successful career. – She’s been a top selling real estate agent, – She’s a renowned public speaker. – She moved from Australia to the U.S. to start her own TV program called Kirsty TV. And she’s a wonderful human being. I consider her a great […]