A 5-Star Debacle on Australia’s Rodeo Drive
Here’s how a 5 star store in Australia’s Rodeo drive turned into a disappointing mess. Fancy doesn’t automatically mean good service.
Don’t be the customer’s spider
Humans are afraid of that which is different, like spiders. We love dogs (mammals, but hate spiders). Be like your customers, mirror them and they won’t think you’re a spider.
How a flimsy sign altered behaviour
Although we see thousands of pieces of advertising every day, they work. But in order for them to work, each store must implement (with precision)
Why you should collect useless information
Why a staff member should collect information even if they can’t do anything about it I closed a bank account today, and the reason I had to close it IS relevant. I closed it because my bank, Greater Bank does not have Apple Pay as part of their Visa card offering. I am now wallet free, digital […]
Shuddup and take my money
Business acumen and customer service are not incompatible. Here are 5 ways a small business can take money from their customers, and their customers will be thankful.
Everyone is in Customer Service
Everyone is involved in customer service. Here is a short story showing how everyone should have it front of mind, even I.T.
Do customers want automated customer service?
We look back fondly on the good ol’ days of customer service but forget how bad they were.
Automation is making it better and the research proves it.
The ultimate test of good customer service
The ultimate test of good service is to make a sale. This article also looks at the relationship betwen buyer and seller as well as three ways to fix it.
How Uber Eats almost destroyed a small business
We have to be careful of the shiny new toy. My local cafe has started doing Uber Eats deliveries. Good for them! Well….. not so fast. The wait times jumped to 20 minutes and then 40 minutes. My big cycling group worth $600-$700 per month has slowly moved to another cafe (despite many second chances). […]
Are you making these small service mistakes?
This is about what happens when a company automates their customer service too far.
The iconic brand doing a Blockbuster
An iconic Australian department store (DJ’s) is doing its best Blockbuster impersonation. They are reducing two Sydney flagship stores to 1, and eliminating 6 floors. Profits have been declining every year for 15 years (lightening reaction times). Online sales rose 46.8 per cent and now account for 7.7 per cent of total sales. But they […]
Reading the customer’s mind, when they can’t
If the customer doesn’t know why they made a decision, how are you supposed to help them make it? There are three factors at play: 1) the rational brain (which isn’t really used that much) 2) emotional drivers (moods and feelings) 3) contextual drivers (we aren’t always the same person). So how are we supposed […]